Mugwort Cleanse Wand
This product is currently sold out.
- Intuition boost
- Dream enhancement
- Spiritual insight
Dreaming of unlocking your inner mystic? Mugwort is your gateway to the spiritual realms. Known for enhancing intuition and dreams, this magical herb will take you on a journey through your subconscious.
Use this wand during moon rituals, before meditation and bedtime or when you want to tap into your inner wisdom and explore the mystical realms—sweet dreams await!
Purchase is for one (1) wand. Group photo for illustratative purposes only.
How to Perform a Smoke Cleanse with Mugwort
What You’ll Need:
- A bundle of mugwort
- A fireproof dish (like a ceramic bowl or abalone shell) to catch ash
- Matches or a lighter
- A feather or fan (optional, to help direct the smoke)
1. Set Your Intention
- Before you begin, take a moment to ground yourself and set an intention for your cleanse. What are you hoping to clear out or invite in? Whether it’s negative energy, emotional baggage, or just a fresh start, having a clear intention helps direct the energy of the cleanse.
2. Open a Window or Door
- Energy needs an escape route. Crack open a window or door to allow the unwanted energies to leave and fresh air to flow in.
3. Light the Mugwort
- Hold your mugwort bundle at a 45-degree angle and use a match or lighter to ignite it. Let it burn for about 20–30 seconds, then blow out the flame gently, leaving the embers to produce smoke.
4. Begin Cleansing Your Space
Hold the sage over your fireproof dish to catch any ash. Slowly walk around the area you’re cleansing, moving in a clockwise direction. Fan the smoke into the corners of each room, around doorways, and over windows. These are key areas where energy can stagnate.
As you move, repeat your intention silently or aloud. You can say something like, "I cleanse this space of negative energy and invite in peace and positivity."
5. Cleanse Yourself (Optional but Recommended)
- Waft the smoke around your body, starting from your feet and working upward to your head. Use your hands or a feather to guide the smoke, focusing on areas where you feel tension or imbalance.
6. Extinguish the Mugwort
- Once you’ve completed your cleanse, extinguish the mugwort by pressing the smoldering tip into your fireproof dish, sand, or soil. Ensure the sage is completely out and never leave it unattended while burning.
7. Give Thanks
- To close out the cleanse, take a moment to thank the mugwort, the space, and any spirits or energies that assisted in the process. It’s a simple but important part of maintaining a mindful practice.