Our Satellite Hearts // Mercury Retrograde Survival Pack
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Mercury Retrograde Survival Pack
OSH Lavender Bath / Foot Salts
w/ Clear Quartz + Mica (so you can sparkle, queeeen!)
Calming. Rejuvenating. Healing.
OSH Mercury Retrograde Postcard
Write on the back + give it to a friend, Stick it up in your office, bedroom, etc.
The Witch Apprentice Serene Magic Roller
Anti-anxiety: use as a perfume or for its calming benefits! About to have a meltdown? Keep calm and grab Serene Magic.
Rosemary Smudge Wand
The herb of remembrance. Mental Clarity. Cleansing. Alertness. Deeply connected to our memory. Brings healing to painful memories.
Black Spell Candle
For major protection vibes. Shift the shit!
Black Obsidian
Protection. Healing. Truth-telling.
Clear, calm communication. Simmer the situation by seeing things from both times. Holds irrational thoughts and emotions in check.
Blue Fluorite
Mental Clarity. Focus. Concentration.