Metal Cats by Alexandra Crockett


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Metal Cats combines two amazing subjects: the extreme personalities of the metal music scene and their adorable kitties. These incredibly cute and fluffly felines have been photographed with their loving owners in and around the dark abodes of over 100 musicians, fans, and promoters of metal including members of the bands Black Goat, Thrones, Isis, Lightning Swords of Death, Winterthrall, Wizards of Wor, The Cauterized, Book of Black Earth, Skarp, Harassor, Akimbo, Aldebaran, Atriarch, Oak, Ghoul, Ludicra, Holy Grail, Xasthur, Cattle Decapitation, Murder Construct, Exhumed, Anhedonist, Morbid Angel, Municipal Waste, Skeletonwitch, Gypsyhawk, Nausea, Phobia, Napalm Death.


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