Ishom // White Sage and Sandal Cleansing Spray 100ml


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Ishom // White Sage and Sandal Cleansing Spray 100ml
Ishom // White Sage and Sandal Cleansing Spray 100ml

Earthy, Woody.

Air fresheners are a must-have for any ambience and sandal has a long key to spiritual traditions. The White Sage & Sandal Air Freshener is so soothing and is considered an aid to meditation, helping to still a whirring mind.


• Set your motive for why you want to clear your space and attract positive energy.
• Spray air freshener all around your space including all corners especially.
• As the space is now clear, invoke a new motive & positive energy into the space.

Ingredients : Sage oil and Sandalwood oil, dimethyl dioxolan, ylmethanol, (methoxymethylethoxy)
methylethoxy|propanol, Dipropylene
Glycol Methyl Ether, Isobornyl acetate, Exotrimethylbicycloheptyl
acetate, ISO E SUPER, hexahydro, tetramethyl, methanonaphthalen-one,
Balsams, gurjun

Ishom // White Sage and Sandal Cleansing Spray 100ml
Ishom // White Sage and Sandal Cleansing Spray 100ml