Pink Butterfly Compact


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Pink Butterfly Compact
Pink Butterfly Compact
Pink Butterfly Compact

Say hello to your new pocket-sized bestie! This pink butterfly compact is giving serious 90s flashback vibes—think secret diaries and lip gloss collections. Perfect for quick touch-ups or just admiring how cute it looks in your bag or on your dresser. Whether you're channeling your inner Y2K queen or just love a good throwback moment, this compact has got your back! 

If you want to incorporate the compact into a spell, we've got just the one for you. Here's a few really simple spells to try out using this compact:

1. Self-Reflection Spell

You’ll Need:

  • A compact mirror
  • Paper & pen
  • Optional: candle, crystals (clear quartz/amethyst), sage


  1. Set Intention: Focus on what you want the person to reflect on.
  2. Write It Down: Write your wish, like, “May [person’s name] see their truth.”
  3. Charge the Mirror: Light the candle (optional). Hold the mirror in front of it, imagining the person seeing themselves clearly.
  4. Speak: Whisper, “As you look into the mirror, may you see yourself clearly.”
  5. Seal It: Close the compact to lock in the intention.
  6. Release: Blow out the candle, sending your intention into the universe.

You can keep the compact or give it to the person as a subtle reminder of self-reflection!


2. Self-Love & Confidence Spell

This version uses a compact mirror to boost self-love and confidence rather than focusing on another person.

You’ll Need:

  • A compact mirror
  • Pink or rose quartz crystal (for self-love)
  • Lipstick or lip balm (something you associate with confidence)
  • Optional: A pink candle


  1. Set Intention: Hold the compact mirror and focus on increasing your self-love and confidence.
  2. Charge the Mirror: Light a pink candle (optional) and place the rose quartz near the compact to charge it with loving energy.
  3. Speak Affirmations: Look into the mirror and speak affirmations like, "I am worthy of love," or "I am confident in who I am."
  4. Apply Lipstick: Apply your lipstick or balm while looking in the mirror, sealing the intention of self-love and confidence.
  5. Carry: Keep the compact with you as a charm for when you need a boost of self-esteem.

3. Truth and Clarity Spell

This version helps someone (or yourself) see the truth or gain clarity in a confusing situation.

You’ll Need:

  • A compact mirror
  • A blue candle (for clarity)
  • A small piece of clear quartz
  • A photo of the person or a personal item (if focusing on someone else)


  1. Focus: Light the blue candle and place the clear quartz next to the mirror. Hold the photo or item if using.
  2. Set Intention: State clearly that you want the person to gain clarity or see the truth.
  3. Gaze: Gaze into the mirror, imagining the person or yourself seeing the truth in the reflection.
  4. Speak: Whisper, “May clarity find you as your reflection does. See the truth with open eyes.”
  5. Close the Mirror: Seal the intention by closing the compact and either gifting it or keeping it close.

4. Protection Spell Using a Compact

This version uses a compact mirror for protection by reflecting negativity away from you.

You’ll Need:

  • A compact mirror
  • Black tourmaline or obsidian (for protection)
  • A black or white candle


  1. Set Intention: Light the candle and hold the compact mirror. Visualize it as a shield reflecting negativity away.
  2. Place the Crystal: Place the black tourmaline or obsidian next to the mirror to charge it with protective energy.
  3. Say: Speak aloud, “With this mirror, I reflect harm and negativity away from me.”
  4. Close and Carry: Close the compact and carry it with you, knowing it will reflect negative energy away.

5. Manifestation Spell Using a Compact

This spell uses the reflective surface to help you visualize and manifest your desires.

You’ll Need:

  • A compact mirror
  • A gold or green candle (for abundance)
  • A small token or crystal associated with your desire (like citrine for success)
  • A piece of paper with your wish written on it


  1. Set Intention: Light the candle, hold the mirror, and focus on what you want to manifest.
  2. Visualize: Look into the mirror and visualize your desire as if it’s already real. Feel the emotions as though it’s happened.
  3. Speak: Say, “As I see it, so it shall be.”
  4. Place the Token: Place your crystal or token on the paper, fold it up, and keep it near the mirror. Close the compact to seal the energy.
  5. Carry: Carry the compact as a daily reminder that your manifestation is on its way.


Each of these spells uses the reflective nature of the compact as a tool for transformation, whether it’s for love, protection, clarity, or manifesting desires. Feel free to modify them to align with your own intentions.

Pink Butterfly Compact
Pink Butterfly Compact
Pink Butterfly Compact

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