Cedar Cleanse Wand
This product is currently sold out.
- House-warming cleanse
- Fresh starts
- Bring in good vibes
House warming! Cedar is your go-to for moving into a new place, or when you just need to give your space a fresh start. This grounding herb says “bye-bye” to unwanted spirits and negative energy. It’s serving don’t-let-the-door-hit-you-on-the-way-out energy.
And the best part? It attracts good vibes, too—talk about a win-win!
Purchase is for one (1) wand. Group photo for illustratative purposes only.
How to Perform a Smoke Cleanse with Cedar
What You’ll Need:
- A cedar bundle or loose cedar leaves
- Matches or a lighter
- A fireproof dish to catch ashes
- Optional: Feather or fan
1. Set Your Intention
- Cedar is commonly used for protection, purification, and creating sacred space. Set an intention like, "I cleanse this home and create a safe, protected space."
2. Light the Cedar
- Light the end of the cedar bundle and let it burn for 20–30 seconds. Blow out the flame, allowing the cedar to smolder and release its woodsy, protective smoke.
3. Cleanse Your Space
- Move around the space, paying extra attention to entrances, windows, and corners. You can say something like, "I cleanse and protect this space, inviting peace and safety."
4. Cleanse Yourself (Optional)
- Use the smoke to cleanse your own energy by wafting it around your body, from feet to head, focusing on areas where you feel vulnerable or exposed.
5. Extinguish the Cedar
- After cleansing, press the burning tip of the cedar bundle into your fireproof dish until it is fully extinguished.
6. Reflect and Give Thanks
- Take a moment to reflect on the intention of the cleanse and express gratitude for the cedar’s protective and purifying qualities.